We recognize the important part that individuals and corporations can and must play, in taking care of this wonderful world in which we live.
SEFAM believes in and accepts this sacred duty of being socially responsible and working for the uplift of our fellow citizens and ensuring that we take care of the beautiful yet fragile environment which sustains all life.
We are always working to reduce our carbon footprint, by reducing emissions, purifying industrial waste water, and increasing the proportion, in all our products, of cotton that is either organic or recycled. SEFAM is committed to adopting the best practices, in order to become a Green company and playing our part in ensuring a greener Tomorrow.

Clothing A Million Smiles

In an ideal world, each and every one of us would have all our basic needs met, and we’d be able to turn our attention toward making a better future for the entire human race.

As it stands, there is a recognizable gap between the Haves and the Have-nots. Some people are blessed with much more than they could ever need, while the vast majority of humanity struggles to put clothes on their backs or food on the table.

Our Clothing a Million Smiles initiative is aimed at collecting pre-loved clothing and accessories at all Leisure Club outlets, sanitizing and repackaging them so that they can be distributed to trusted NGOs such as SOS, ASSET, Akhuwat, CARE, and EDHI, who then make sure these clothes, with a new lease on life, can make someone, somewhere, smile again.

Made Of Pakistan

If there is anything that SEFAM is proud of, it would be our sense of belonging to this amazing country, Pakistan, with its unlimited potential for global greatness. Through this initiative of ours, which is not a grammatical error, but a sentiment that lives deep in our hearts, SEFAM aims to celebrate everything worth celebrating, about our beloved country.

Our goal is to collaborate with talented Pakistanis to highlight the undeniable talent that resides in each of our compatriots and to highlight all the things about Pakistan which we love. We want to shout out loud and clear, from the very rooftops, even, our love for our country and all the things about it that we hold close to our hearts.

We also aim to source and produce as much of our products within Pakistan as possible, to showcase the versatility of our people and the richness of the land we call Home.

No Plastic

It is our responsibility to ensure that we eliminate Plastics, to the furthest possible extent, from all our processes and packaging. At SEFAM, we pride ourselves on being a green company, which is always looking inward, at all our processes and production methods, and which is well on its way to becoming a resource-efficient entity with sustainable practices at par with, or better than, internationally accepted standards.

By completely eliminating plastic bags and replacing them with those made from 100% recycled paper, we are playing our part in reducing our carbon footprint and giving the environment a big hug.

Real Girl

Kayseria’s tribute to the authentic women of substance, beautiful inside and out, who are working tirelessly to make and take their rightful place in a world that can sometimes be harsh and unforgiving.

We salute these resolute warriors, who hold fast to the high moral ground, to the good values passed down to them; may they continue to inspire others and keep showing women around the world how to take their fate in their own hands; may they keep pushing us to unlock our full potential; may they show us how to break out of the Comfort Zone and make the Impossible, possible.